... Justice Crew in Jakarta : The Action ...

 Here they are, 
- Lukas, The Twins - Lenny & John, Solo, Samson, Eman, Paulie

2 weeks ago, they came to Indonesia
they're doing some performance, showcase and interview
and surprisingly, they have lots of fans!
it's really nice to know that, remembering they're new in Indonesia
and not so many people know them, especially the people who dance :)

It's reaallyy nice to know,
that Indonesia JCeizers are really support them.

JC are doing collaboration with XO-IX
they're doing great performance on Kids Choice Awards 2012

XO-IX and JC are greaaaat!


  1. hi titaz, this post is nice since i love JC. where did you get those photos? im Jceazers from indonesia too.

  2. @Indri kebetulan aku dari labelnya yang merilis albumnya dan ngurusin promonya kemarin :) Alhamdulilah bisa ketemu dan bareng mereka hehe.

  3. ohh gitu, ka aku mau nanya, aku juga pengen nanti bisa kerja kaya gitu,gimana caranya ya biar bisa kaya kaka? bidang pekerjaan kaka disebutnya apa ?

    hehe thanks in advance :)

  4. @Indri kuliah di jurusan komunikasi / broadcast. rajin2 ikut event. kalo bidangku disebutnya media relation & artist promotion :)
