... please vote meee :) ...

Heeyhoo all my friends :)
I need you to vote me
I really like Sex and The City
and really really really wanna go there to see their premiere in NY.
so, please vote me :)

Just click and vote in here :)
click the image

I really need your help :)
thank youuu, all my beloved friends!

the voting is already closed. thank yooouuu :)


  1. meluncuuuur....
    kalo menang, oleh2 dari new york hrs nyampe ke aku lho ahahaha


  2. kau ikutan give away michelle aja dari blognya yang judulnya glister and blister..
    dia mau ngasih tiket sex n the city tuh...

    ehmm,,klo tas itu,,kau ikutan cemprut give away aja tuhhh

  3. @Enno iyaaaa... insya Allah kalo dapat aku kasih deh spesial hehehehe.

    @Dorothy... waaah boleh juga. makasiih infonya, darling.

    @Rinda... makasi yaa udah di vote :)

  4. Im back my friends..nice post...sexsi

  5. terima kasih sudah berkunjung Tukiran :)
