... give me Five! ...

CHIC 5th Anniversary
@ Mini Square La Piazza, Kelapa Gading
April 11, 2010

It's a Chic birthday party!!
I've got make over by ZA and cover photo session

Meet 3 super woman from Chic!
Chandra - Emma - Reda

I'm very happy!
I can met Chandra and get her autograph hihih
also can know Emma, the new editor in chief of Chic

Lots of perfomances!
Angels Percussion, Drew, EndahNRhesa, Soulvibe

black top-unbranded, yellow polka tops-Zara, brown short-Plaza Semanggi, black gladi-Wondershoe, Owl bag-RetroGogo

It's fun!
Happy Birthday, Chic!


  1. yellow...titaz kesederhanaan yg cantik..^^

  2. @Aishi Lely terima kasiiih, Aishi. aah jadi mawluuhhh hihihi :)

  3. weeww, pemotretan taz? merambah ke dunia fashion seutuhnya,, wekekek

  4. titazz apa kbr? udh lama ga mampir lagii.. kgn liat gaya nyaa. sukaaa :D

  5. ah bru tau di lapiz ad endahnrhesa. ktgln dehhh.hahahaa.
    btw kcmtnya lcu bangeeet.^^

  6. @Shinta : hahahahaha itu mah duluuu, jaman masih kuliah :p

    @Ila : aawww apa kabaar? lama tak bersua yaa :)

    @Meilinda : EndahNRhesanya di acara ultah Chich. keren! terima kasih atas pujian kacamatanyaaa :)
